Tag: paper
New Paper - A Novel Method for Continuous Measurements of Clinical Practice Guideline Adherence
New Paper - A Federated Approach to Identify Women with Early-stage Cervical Cancer
After more than two years of work, I am happy to share that our latest paper is out! Here, we used federated learning (more specifically, the logistic regression flavor of our previously published GLM model) to identify women at low risk of pN+ cervical cancer. This work has the potential to be used as a guide in shared decision-making process when considering the extent of lymph node dissection.
The abstract is as follows:
New Paper - A Federated Generalized Linear Model for Privacy-Preserving Analysis
I am happy to share that our latest paper is out! Here, we present a federated implementation of a generalized linear model (GLM) for analyzing horizontally-partitioned data. We show the maths behind it, as well as its validation (done in R). This is part of the work that we are doing with vantage6.
The abstract is as follows:
New Paper - Explainable Machine Learning in Predictions of Breast Cancer Survival
One of the projects that I have enjoyed the most as part of my job at IKNL has been the application of explainable machine learning to survival predictions. Well, today I woke up with the happy news that our latest study in this field has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports!
The abstract is as follows: