DeepSurvK 0.2.0 Release

Today, the version 0.2.0 of DeepSurvK is released!

The new features and changes include:

  • Improved parameter definition (from function arguments to dictionary)
  • Added basic parameter optimization (grid search), including example notebook
  • Bug fixes

For a full list of changes, see the release notes.

I hope to keep working and improving DeepSurvK in the future!

DeepSurvK was developed in Spyder (a fantastic open-source Python IDE) using Cookiecutter and the arturomoncadatorres/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please open a discussion. If there is a problem with the code (e.g., mistake), please open an issue. You can always drop me a line on Twitter (@amoncadatorres). Lastly, if you found this useful, fun, or just want to show your appreciation, you can always buy me a cookie. Cheers!